
Catching Up on the past few months

Yes it's been a while since I updated the blog. I'm giving serious thought to ending the blog since I don't seem to be updating it regularly.

Here is my attempt to bring everyone up to speed. Let's backtrack to where I left off.

What a month this was. Nathan was in full temper trantrum mode. We thought this was early terrible two's. In hindsight I laugh at this.

When we picked him up from daycare it was kicking and screaming. It seemed he didn't want to come home. If we went to a store it was the same behaviour. If we putting him down in the store he would knock things off the shelf. And his screaming would bring the store to a standstill. It reminded me of when my sister Rina was little. She knew how to throw a tantrum and I'm afraid Nathan inherited her talent. Other parents were not shy about what they thought about my son't tantrums or my parenting skills, or lack there of as they not so kindly put it.

Then I read a book and made me feel better. Keyoor and I thought we were the worst most inept parents in the world until I read "What To Expect - the Toddler Years." Turns out that Nathan's behavior was normal and he would grow out of it. In the meantime we refrained from going out anywhere.

Later that month, we went to visit my cousin in San Diego. He and wife just had a baby that was so cute we had to jump on a plane and see Nathan's youngest cousin. It was also Diwali and the family was getting together in San Diego. Nathan did great on the plane. It was a 2 hour ride that turned into a 3 hour trip because we had to sit on the runway for an hour while the fog cleared in San Diego. Other than kicking the seat in front of him, Nathan behaved. Our fear of flying with Nathan was subsiding. In San Diego Nathan loved being in the hotel pool. He took to water like a fish. It's hard to believe that this child once had a fear of water.

I was most proud of Nathan on Halloween. I thought he would go nuts over the candy but he stuck to all the rules I taught him. When he would go up to a house and the home owner would put out the candy bowl and say take whatever you want, Nathan would look at me and wait for me to say it was okay. And then he would take just one candy. And when the home owner would say, you can have more. Nathan would shake his head no, because he knows the rules, only one candy allowed. Words cannot express how proud I was of my baby following all of the rules and manners mommy taught him. The cutest thing was, Nathan did not understand why we rang people's doorbell but never went inside their house. Why would we just take candy and leave.

More next time.


December pictures

Here are pictures from the continue of Nathan's mundan haircut, his first christmas with us and his first birthday with us. Nathan turned two on December 29th.

December 2009