

Lots to catch up on. As always limited time. On Wed, we went to my uncle's house for dinner. I was so happy to take Nathan there as some of my favorite childhood memories were my summers spent at Anilmama's (uncle) house. I showed Nathan my grandmother's old room and we sat on the front porch swing and I reminisced about Ma. I know Ma must have been looking down on the two of us overjoyed at her great grandson. Nathan had a wonderful time playing with his 5 year old cousin Jenna.
On Thursday, Nathan got his haircut.I shed a tear as his curls vanished but I have to say that he looks even cuter. And I find it easier to wash his hair. Nathan was great during the haircut. Then since we all had so much fun at Anilmama's house, we headed back there in the evening. To me, Anilmama's house is home sweet home and I was thrilled that Nathan was enjoying it so much. Jenna and Nathan had so much fun running around the house together.
On Friday, we went to Law Garden ( a beautiful park with fountains, kids rides, and outdoor eateries). Nathan loved it. He ran around the park for hours. He tired us out. He loved seeing the horses, the dogs, the birds, and the people. As always, he said hi to everyone.
On Saturday we decided to go spend the night at my uncle's house. I don't know who was more thrilled, me or Nathan. I never thought I would get the chance after marriage to go stay at Anilmama's house so I was in heaven. Nathan too had the best time. I have never seen him laugh so much. He feels at home here and I am thrilled.
Today, Sunday, we are spending the day at Anilmama's then in the evening we are all going to visit my cousin Bhoumik and his family.
All is well. Nathan gets more and more adjusted every week. His health is better and other than vitamins he is off his other meds. Nathan loves live. Each day he is happier and happier. Keyoor and I continue to thank God for this beautiful child. And now I say, with tears in my eyes, something I never thought I would say - Everything I went through in my quest to have a child was worth it, I now know that God created this beautiful baby for me and I was just biding time waiting for this perfect child to be born and enter into our lives. I know Nathan is, always will be and was always planned by God to be my child. I finally have closure.

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