
One Week Anniversary

It's been a week since we got Nathan. I can't believe we have been a family for a whole week. Nathan is like a puzzle. One day he's happy as the be and the next day he cries to no end. Yesterday was a I'm not sleeping no matter what day. Usually he takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Yesterday he woke up from the morning nap and did not get sleep again till 1:00am. From 4pm to 1 am all we did was try to get him to sleep. Nathan was sleepy, he kept yawning and rubbing his eyes and fighting to stay awake. He was cranky as can be. But at least it wasn't a 8 hour crying day again. To tire him out further, Keyoor and I took him to the park, walked around the neighborhood, had him play with the neighbors kids, fed him milk several times, gave him 2 baths, and even gave him a medication that makes him drowsy. Nothing. And poor Keyoor, Nathan has been daddy's boy for the past 2 days. So Keyoor carried him for hours and hours. The family members took turns holding him, the neighbors maid came and held him for a while, the 4 security guards ( we are in a high rise) each took turns walking around the gardens with him. Notice I did not say Mommy held him. Nathan is currently anti-mommy. Even when he wakes up he pushes me away. Not sure how this happened or why. But I'm sure he will come around eventually. Actually I know why, daddy gets the fun jobs and mommy gets the bad ones (i.e. diaper change).
Despite all that, we are having fun seeing the world through Nathan's eyes. He is so smart and Keyoor and I have to really keep up with him. Nathan's new trick is while he is drinking milk he likes to stick his fingers in the milk and then throw it on mommy. He knows two words - dada (daddy) and no no no no. Nathan loves playing peek a boo and playing with his bat. He also knows eyes and nose because of his book Goodnight Sleepy Head. Nathan is fascinated with the world around him and we can't wait to get him home.

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